Kate Moss urodzona w 1974 roku. W świat mody został wprowadzona w 1988 roku i miała tylko wtedy 14 lat i 168 cm wzrostu (ale jeszcze urosła). Stała się sławna dopiero wtedy kiedy została twarzą Calvina Kleina pracowała także dla firm takich jak Dolce & Gabbana, Versace, Yves Saint Laurent. Kate próbowała sił w reklamie była związana z Johnny Deepem. Była posądzaną o anoreksje i spędziła długi okres w klinice odwykowej za przedawkowanie narkotyków.
Kate Moss was born in 1974. The fashion world was introduced in 1988 and was only 14 years and 168 growth. She became famous when the face of Calvin Klein has also worked for companies such as Dolce & Gabbana, Versace, Yves Saint Laurent. Kate tried to force in the advertising was associated with Johnny Depp. She was suspected of anorexia and spent long periods in the clinic for addiction to drug overdose.
Kate Moss Covers 1995
CK one (1995) #1
Kate Moss was born in 1974. The fashion world was introduced in 1988 and was only 14 years and 168 growth. She became famous when the face of Calvin Klein has also worked for companies such as Dolce & Gabbana, Versace, Yves Saint Laurent. Kate tried to force in the advertising was associated with Johnny Depp. She was suspected of anorexia and spent long periods in the clinic for addiction to drug overdose.
Kate Moss Covers 1995
CK one (1995) #1